Virtual serenade by Hamed Sinno
  • 12/


    Opening Date: 05/12/2020

    Closing Date: 12/12/2020

    Ticket Price: $15.00

    All funds go to Beirut NGOs

    Payment 100% Secure

    About the prize

    Experience a virtual performance from Hamed Sinno, the lead singer of Lebanese alternative rock band Mashrou Leila. Hamed will premier a new song for the lucky winner and up to three friends. 

    Lucky Dip experiences will take place within 3 months after the draw.

    How does it help Beirut?

    Every sale contributes to raising money for Lebanon. Funds will be disbursed with full transparency to well-vetted NGOs according to the most pressing needs through the Beirut Emergency Fund 2020.

    This raffle is now closed